Ch-3 (cont)
Chapter 3:
And now I cried! Like I have never cried
before. My heart was hammering painfully inside my chest. I felt like screaming
like hell. My nails dug painfully in my palm, hurting myself seemed comfortable
right now. I know my palms were bleeding now, as my nails dug deeper but I
didn’t remove them.
Greta was standing beside me, trying to
console me when even her body was shaking while she cried bitterly! I was in
shock, because Lila was the sole reason I was enduring so much pain since three
dreadful months, she was the reality in my dark life. What was I supposed to do
know? Kill myself? Become a drug-addicted teen or walk around like nothing
happened and if it did, I didn’t really cared. Obviously, the first option
sounded really beautiful to me.
After crying for a complete day, the next
day I was like a zombie. I just sat near her body while police rampaged around,
while Greta and Charles told them about the murder and how she was found, while
detective agents examined the room for clues. I just sat there, silent, almost
dead, holding her hand.
When her body was taken away, I didn’t
let go, couldn’t let go! I held her hand tightly…I mean how can I leave my
sister alone! I had promised myself I will never let her get hurt, and now she
is dead. Greta held me back, tried to jerk me away from Lila’ dead body. I
looked at Lila one last time, her pale exquisite face, her golden blonde
hair…like always she looked serene. But she was gone, she will never smile back
at me, never hug me. Like my parents my sister was gone too and I was left
alone in this bitter world!
And then I let her hand go. A peaceful
feeling crept inside me, Bitter World! I felt weirdly glad within that she doesn’t
have to face the world, it dangers and pains. My sudden loss on the grip of
Lila’s hand surprised Greta! She looked at me awkwardly as I gave her a rather
peaceful smile…
Then the same procedure followed, the
difference was this time I was not crying or frenetic. This time I was another
living dead body to deal with. I couldn’t hear any of the questions so
naturally I didn’t answer any of them. All the talk about money and family heir,
I turned a deaf ear to all of them. I never said a word to anybody, I stopped
going school… She will kill her sister
also! Liam did came home to offer
his condolences. But my throat was dry, I feared I might have turned speechless
but I was not. I was just too tired and despondent to reply. But I was grateful
to see that Liam cried. There was someone beside me who shed tears for Lila!
I looked around the house…right now, I
was conflicted---To live in this house or die in this house like my family
I choose neither, I choose to kill! And I set out to have some revenge...Because however
shy or sweet I was before I was never to give up!
7 days later
Kiara was hiding
in a deserted lane which was behind some big hotel. The trash can had lots of
food and other disgusting stuff. She was hungry, hungry enough to stumble down
on her weak knees, but she couldn’t. Her ever glowing black hair were dirty and
sticking at her back due to sweat. She looked longingly at the food in the
trash can. Why will people through such good food? But inside she knew the
answer. She knew how rich people always went around getting things more than
the need and then throwing it away without any grief for loss of so much money,
without even thinking that some are not lucky enough to eat even half of what
they are eating.
This was the
limit of her energy. She sat down on a pavement behind the taking support of
trash cans and sighed. She was starting to doubt her decision now. Was running
away from her luxurious mansion really intelligent on her part? And leaving
behind Greta, all her memories and her family heirloom to exactly no one, was
that okay? She closed her eyes and clenched her fists in desperation. No, she
didn’t know whether it was a good idea or bad, whether she will survive on her
own. But she did know that she could have either died or gone insane in that
house. That house without her family, her Lila, would have haunted her...that
gave her hope and satisfaction that she ran away. A smile emerged on her dried
lips when she thought about Greta; she might be worried sick right now.
But she did
agree, living behind all the money and credit card was not a good idea. She did
carry the cash that she and Lila were saving for their parents’ 25th
anniversary. And that was a good amount! Credit card was too dangerous to use.
Since breaking news: She was a fugitive now. The news said that Kiara’s
Wright, daughter of Mr and Mrs Wright, richest people in town, murdered her
family. Though the clever girl with pretty face left no clue behind, but she is
the most likely suspect as after her parents and sister all the money goes to
her. The teen has shocked the townsfolk with violence. And her actions support
her deed, the girl ran away as soon as her sister’s body was taken away, not
even bothering to attend her burial and funeral process.
A tear ran down
Kiara’s eyes, which burned due to lack of sleep since last seven days. She
looked around the dingy surrounding, her dirty jeans and grey hands. She
couldn’t possibly carry clothes with her. And what about a perfume? Her sister said in her mind. Yes! That’s what Lila would have said. She
looked like a fairy, fairy of dust. Dirty, but still beautiful!
“Hey, who is
Someone called
out roughly, probably cooks and workers from the hotel. She immediately tried
to pull herself on her shaking feet and ran away before she was caught and
landed in some trouble. She could feel the tremble in her legs, the
light-headedness and feeling of throwing up but she ran away. Somehow her
running skills never disappointed her and even today, when she had eaten scraps
of food, she could run like a cheetah, fast and graceful!
Yes! Kiara knew
running away was a bad idea. But her mind wasn’t working right. Revenge and
love can’t make you think wrong, and for now she didn’t minded!
I planned to visit my Uncle David. He was
the answer to all the questions or maybe I wanted someone to yell at. For either reason I decided to visit him.
Only problem, I had no idea where he lived! I have hated him as long as I
remember and had no plan to visit before today. I counted my money, I was saving
them hopeless situation. What was I suppose
to do know? I haven’t slept or eaten or bathed for a week. Should I rent a room
in some cheap hotel? I can’t even call someone...teen criminals were specially
looked after if they ran away after killing their family member in cold-blood! I
was surprised that no FBI was following me around.
And like on cue a police car came around the
corner of street. Two officers climbed out of it. I was sure, somehow, that
they were looking for me! I hid behind the bushes and tried to breathe as
silently as possible even after running for miles. My throat felt dry. I know I
could run more, for miles, my legs will support me. But my mind and my throbbing
heart was refusing. But never did what my
mind said, so I ran. It was stupid, hidden in bushes police wasn’t able to see me.
But now they can, a girl in black hoodie with a wings shaped embroided on back.
I ran, again. My body was aching like hell,
but the wind casressing my face, dust I left behind with rest of the world felt
good. I didn’t look back and kept running for few minutes. My experience in track
team taught me as much; I could eaily over take anyone. And I was proved right when
I ran into a forest that was near my school (I ended up there wandering here and there for days!) and I looked behind while
running to check whether I was being followed or not. No one! They couldn’t catch
up with me... and I collided into someone gasping in surprise.
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