Day 14: Sunrise
As Aurora swirls her shimmering attire,
Riding past on her glowing chariot,
And the world bathes in the warm sun fire!
Raising another day's battle clarion!
The glow of her glossy curls lighten up the sky,
Creating a mesmerising sparkle of dew
,Pretty winged creatures gather to fly,
As life begins a phase anew.
The birds chirp a beautiful good morning to everyone
As they flutter by each house!
Peeping mischievously from between the clouds is the greeting Sun,
Waking every creature from Humans to mouse!
Every flower arouse in full bloom
And the clear water stream Sparkles!
Warm sunlight drives away despair and gloom
from the deepest comers of Darkness!
Sunrise is the time when lovers kiss,
celebrating another new day of their love.
Sunrise is the earth's heavenly bliss
,Its is symbol of peace like a pure white dove!
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