Day 15: Pain
No hope,silence that's endless.
My heart crushed in pain,
losses and no gain.
I keep waiting on a route,
that always comes...
To a dead end.
And I am imprisoned.
So thick that swallows my shouts.
My insides are yelling,
But silence are my thoughts.
Inside I am breaking to the core.
To the deepest parts.
I look around and find no one,
Whom I could trust.
My sole companion,
was Grief.
I slammed my head,
pounded my weak fists.
But the world was dark
and dead...
Burden of my failures,
Countless mistakes.
The numbness of my heart,
The thoughts in my head.
My tear streaked face,
no one could see,
My shattered self.
I take in a deep breath,
trying to clear my mind.
To wipe away the salty pearls,
formed in my eyes.
My voice silent as ever,
And I question myself aloud,
Was there any silver lining to my cloud?
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