Day 4: Dreams
With a desire in my heart,
A thought in my mind.
A need for my incomplete soul,
I surrender myself to sleep.
As my lids drop down,
Closing the outer world,
So Vivid,
So clear,
Were the images inside me!
Sweet dreams , they say,
Sweet is in the mind of the dreamer…
My mother visits me,
A less colorful version,
But her smile like a rainbow.
She is more like an angel,
“Lots to do , my girl, make me proud!”
And her glowing self, like a candle flame,
Flicker away with a peck on my cheek.
The distance increased…
My desperation increased…
I tried to grasp her, but she faded!
The screen shifted,
Focused on a mirror now,
Why mirror?
I ask my dreaming self.
But I am there,
A proud successful daughter,
Dressed in an attire,
Everyone wanted,
Family needed.
I look at my image,
And it smiles at me,
A disappointed, sad smile…
Shaking her head!
My image doesn’t like something about me.
I try, no,
I struggle to snap awake,
But dream clutches on me,
And took me to other place!
And a familiar one,
My school, to my friends.
They sat their chatting together,
Where am I?
Am I even needed?
“Of course you are!”, They answer to my dreaming part.
I smile gratefully at them.
“To an extent,” said one, her smile cold now.
“Till you are of some use”, said another.
“I will love you till you are not a barrier!”
And all walked away…
I looked at my last friend,
My last hope.
And thankfully she smiled.
Smile full of warmth.
“I will love you till I am myself!”.
Tears were there,
My dreaming self crying.
And I was sure they were [i]real[/i].
I wanted the dreams to end,
To let me sleep peacefully.
But a gentle voice in my head said,
“One more my dear!”
This time I was in my room,
Illuminated by angelic glow,
There stood my mother again,
Pearl shimmering on her cheeks.
Her glow made me calm,
Hopeful for tomorrow,
Not terrified of the past.
She came and,
Planting a peck on my forehead,
She said, “Wake up! My girl…
There in the other world lies the reality…
Where you fulfill you dreams”.
My eyes snapped open,
My breathing a little slower.
I tried to remember my visits,
Things I saw…
Smiling to myself, relieved.
I felt the wetness on my cheeks,
I knew the tears were [i]real[/i]…
Just like my Dreams!
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