Day 12: teardrops
No,Not in the eyes,
Not in the mind,
emerge right from your heart.
When your vessel,
brims with sorrow,
And can't take it anymore,
It spills,
in form of tears.
Insides clutched in pain,
In a an endless conflict.
Salty drops makes way,
Soaking you all over...
The wetness of tears,
Make you realise,
Something's amiss.
But your heavy heart,
And veiled eyes can't see.
Traitors they are,
Always there when you least wanted,
When you try to blink them away.
They rest on your cheek,Nevertheless,
glistening like pearls,
For the world to see.
Sometimes they are silent,
Sometimes a scream.
But they mirror your feeling,
The pain in your mind,
The burden you feel.
Yeah! I agree they are there,
Again! When you are joyous.
They trickle down ,
Your happy eyes.
Tears of Joy you call them
yet another feeling,
You can't contain.
Spilling them as twinkling drops.
Like pearls,
They are precious.
Each drop you shed,
they show what you really are.
Never think that only weak shed tears.
Its just,
Strong are weak enough,
To show, to share.
Tear drops,
Your Companion,
When you silently mourn,
Hopeless and alone.
Pound your fist,yell and cry,
surrounded by Nothing!
In the shackles of sorrow.
From Old to Young,
From rich to Poor,
adorn your face,
Once in your Life!
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