Day 28:Memory Lane
Summer wind,
The singing birds,
The whistling leaves,
from the tall proud trees.
I remember the time in meadows.
The space of time,
Call out to me.
And I travel down,
The memory lane.
I was young,
Five or six...
My long hair braided in two plates.
My skirt twirled when I danced.
I was happy,
The sun smiled down on me,
The wind played a song.
Flowers and leaves dance along.
My mind was free,
Not seen the bitter world.
Running along ,
I reached my destination.
And grasped the hand of my grandmother.
She was my angel, wrinkling angel.
Her smile went up to her eyes,
She was weak in body,
but charged up in mind.
Her soft , reassuring grip,
made my fears vanish in thin air!
That time was like heaven,
When I asked, “Will you be with me always?”
were there with a reply “YES! OF COURSE!”
I needed a new cycle on my birthday,
when mom-dad said, “Manage with the older one!”
You gave it as my surprise birthday gift!
When I needed loads of junk food to eat,
when mom told me, “NO! It’s time for dinner”,
you were there with a box of biscuits which I loved!
When everyone at home used to sleep,
and when sleep seemed to play hide and seek with me,
you were there to tell me those lovely stories of kings
and queens!
Time passed… kings and queens faded in my mind…
I grew old with age…
and you grew older!
I grew tall…
and you grew shorter!
I learnt to stand and walk…
and you were advised by the doctor not to stand from the
I stood on my legs for a brighter future…
and you even forgot how to sit!
We exchanged roles..
I make you sleep now…not by telling stories,
but by giving you those bitter medicines.
Dad brought chocolate truffle cake on your birthday,
and it lost its importance when you forgot that it was
your day!
…and today when you lie there on the bed,
you struggle to sleep all night…
and today when I come to you to wish you “Good Morning”…
you seem to forget the correct words to be spoken,
and today when I come to you to give you that slice of
you seem to forget how it has to be eaten.
And today, when tears fall down from my eyes,
you seem not to get up to say “Don’t cry!”
because when I ask you, “Tell my name?”
you seem to have forgotten it!
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